Friday, April 30, 2010

Amazing Eats and Friend!

Hello loves! TGIF!!!!!! it is a gorgeous day in NYC! I am enjoying it from the inside though; my left leg is not feeling that great so I am trying to stay off of it.  I managed to ride the subway last night, standing on one leg…thank God for my Yoga Practice!  Granted I did get some strange looks ha.

Eats and Workouts

Wednesday Night I made an amazing wrap! Even the pickiest eater I know (home fries) thought it was great lol

Low Carb Wrap with Morningstar Farms Buffalo Wings, Part Skim Mozzarella, Salsa, and Wholly Guacamole




I woke up around 6 AM and and half a Banana before starting my day…


I don’t usually run on back to back days but I knew I was going to eat a few extra calories in the evening, and I did not want to feel guilty about it so I made it a point to wake up early and hit the trails. My goal was to do 3 miles but my leg was not having any of it…I managed to do 2.15 miles slow miles and then did some Namaste Yoga for Distance Runners.

For Breakfast I made a Sweet Eggs Sammie! Egg Whites, with Cinnamon, Vanilla Extract, 2 wedges of Laughing Cow Lite French Onion Wedge, 2 Packets of Splenda, SF Raspberry Preserve, and a Low Carb Wrap


And my usual Cafe con Leche DSCN6627

The eggs were good BUT I over did it with the spices…

For Lunch I had Amy’s Especial Burrito

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This is good but I like the Cheddar Cheese burrito a little more…Everything is better with Cheese! ha

When my friend Joanne invited me over for dinner earlier this week, I JUMPED at the opportunity. Have you guys seen her page? This girl CAN cook! I could not wait to see what she was going to make for us…thankfully she remembered that I am in the process of giving up meat and prepared the meal with that in mind.

When I walked into her apartment, I could smell something good baking in the oven and boy was I right!

Broccoli Raab Lasagna!

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This was amazing! I can not wait to have my leftovers! I think this is the first time I ever had Broccoli Raab and it was a like Spinach and Asparagus rolled into one Vegetable! It was like a Hybrid vegetable “Sparagus” ha 

Joanne supplied the food and I supplied the wine =)…Yellow Tail Merlot


After we finished eating din din, I suggested that we go out for dessert and Jo said “well we COULD do that OR we can have the Sweet Potato Flan that I made” This girl is seriously the best!

She pulled the Flan out the fridge and I noticed that it looked a lot like Pumpkin Pie and asked her if she had any Cool Whip to go with it…any other person would say “no” and leave it at that but NOT Joanne! Instead she made homemade WHIPPED CREAM!

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Sweet Potato Flan with Homemade Whipped CreamDSCN6652 

I had THREE pieces of this! it was THAT good! lol

I had such a great time last night…Whenever Joanne and I get together we just talk and talk AND TALK! I love it.  Her roommate was such a sweetheart…she reminded me of the Guidance Counselor from Glee!


This morning I wanted to give Sweet Eggs another shot so I went to the source…ELLIE!

I made some tweaks; less Vanilla Extract and Cinnamon, 1 Laughing Cow Wedge, and 1 packet of Splenda, and SF Raspberry Preserves…these turned out MUCH better. They were tasteful but not overpowering. Thanks Ellie!


Have a great Friday loves!!!!! My day will consist of studying, some sort of low intensity workout, and icing my leg…fun times lol


5 Tips To Get Over Your Gym Fears...

Recently my friend mentioned that when she watches my vlogs, she wishes that she could go to the gym and do similar workouts but she is ...