I arrived about 40 minutes before class began...since NYC transportation on a Sunday morning can be very finicky; I decided to leave my house super early. (Plus I always get lost haha, kudos to the awesome NYPD officers that pointed me in the right direction). I rather show up early and kill some time than rush against time and get there all panicky. When I arrived to the area, I was pleasantly surprised to see how nice it was, I am teaching right near Brooklyn Borough Hall.
I had about nine people in my class which might be the norm for that area on a Sunday morning but I am hoping to attract more students. However, the strength class that was right after mine was completely full so I am hoping some of those members find their way into my class. Since I am new to this facility, I will need to build my clientele from the ground up through word of mouth. Another interesting factor was that the students definitely varied in experience "levels" so I have to be mindful to challenge the more advanced students so that they don't become bored but also keep it welcoming (and not intimidating) for beginners.
After class was done, I made my way back to BBH and sat down for a bit while I soaked up the beautiful morning. I can totally envision myself sitting here in the weeks to come, enjoying my breakfast or a snack after my classes.
Check out my vlog below because I take you along with me on my first day as we explore the area together aaaaaand I also have a Q&A. I answer some fun questions like "Would you rather have 8 nipples or an extra finger on your elbow" and "If you were able to be a Kardashian, whom would you choose?" As well as some more serious questions like "How has yoga changed your life and why did you become a teacher?"